Business law 

Our law office focuses primarily on business consultancy. We are interested in creating long-term and stable cooperation with our clients, for whom we provide comprehensive legal consultancy for their everyday functioning.

As a result of long-term cooperation with a specific client, we have a perfect overview of the business activities of the client, his situation, and internal as well as external relations. The result is our ability to assess a given legal issue on both an economic and business level, and thus offer the client a solution that fully corresponds with his business plans.

Our law office focuses primarily on business consultancy. We are interested in creating long-term and stable cooperation with our clients, for whom we provide comprehensive legal consultancy for their everyday functioning.

As a result of long-term cooperation with a specific client, we have a perfect overview of the business activities of the client, his situation, and internal as well as external relations. The result is our ability to assess a given legal issue on both an economic and business level, and thus offer the client a solution that fully corresponds with his business plans.

All documentation is prepared with a maximum emphasis on preventing lawsuits while being clear at the same time, in case a lawsuit arises in spite of all efforts. In relation to the corporations and cooperatives which we represent, we are a guarantor of the legal correctness of all the business activities of our clients.

We provide our business partners, during their ordinary activities, with legal consultancy within the scope of business law mainly in the following areas:

  • company law;
  • economic competition (anti-trust law, unfair competition);
  • corporate law (establishment of corporations and cooperatives, their reorganizations – mergers, transformations, divisions, passage of property to an associate or a successor company, increase and decrease in the registered capital of corporations, transfers of business shares, transfers of shares (=stock), purchase and sale of businesses);
  • acquisitions, including legal due diligence;
  • cancellation and liquidation of corporations and cooperatives;
  • relations concerning contractual obligations (most often general contract conditions, framework contracts, purchase contracts, work contracts, leasing contracts, credit agreements, contracts of transportation and others);
  • recovery of debt;
  • creation and continuous updating of standard legal documentation of the client (standard forms of contract, general contract conditions, etc.), all in accordance with current Czech and European legislation;
  • relations concerning international contractual obligations;
  • relations concerning liability obligations – liability for damage and unjust enrichment;
  • legal disputes related to domestic and international business relations;
  • arbitral proceedings (arbitration) related to domestic and international business relations.
  • company law;
  • economic competition (anti-trust law, unfair competition);
  • corporate law (establishment of corporations and cooperatives, their reorganizations – mergers, transformations, divisions, passage of property to an associate or a successor company, increase and decrease in the registered capital of corporations, transfers of business shares, transfers of shares (=stock), purchase and sale of businesses);
  • acquisitions, including legal due diligence;
  • cancellation and liquidation of corporations and cooperatives;
  • relations concerning contractual obligations (most often general contract conditions, framework contracts, purchase contracts, work contracts, leasing contracts, credit agreements, contracts of transportation and others);
  • recovery of debt;
  • creation and continuous updating of standard legal documentation of the client (standard forms of contract, general contract conditions, etc.), all in accordance with current Czech and European legislation;
  • relations concerning international contractual obligations;
  • relations concerning liability obligations – liability for damage and unjust enrichment;
  • legal disputes related to domestic and international business relations;
  • arbitral proceedings (arbitration) related to domestic and international business relations.

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law firm

Id. Nr.: 294 58 471
Tax Id. Nr.: CZ29458471
náměstí Republiky 2/1,
746 01 OPAVA, CZ

Telephone: (+420) 775 848 414

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