Hulva, Tomáš: Ochrana spotřebitele. /Consumer protection/ 1st edition Praha: Aspi, a. s., 2005, pp. 452
The work „Ochrana spotřebitele“ (Consumer Protection) is the first and only publication in the Czech Republic which comprehensively explores the legal aspects of consumer protection, i.e., their international, public and private areas. The basis of the work is a well-arranged systematization of consumer protection law and an exhaustive analysis of its individual parts.
Hulva, Tomáš: Právo ochrany spotřebitele pro neprávníky. /Consumer protection law for non-lawyers/. 1st edition Praha: Aspi, a. s., 2006, pp. 350
The work „Právo ochrany spotřebitele pro neprávníky“ was created as a follow-up to the successful work „Ochrana spotřebitele“ and includes practical questions and answers to cases most often dealt with in practice. An integral part of the work is samples of actions, contracts, submissions and correspondence. The work also contains a number of other practical annexes.
Hulva, Tomáš: Přehled judikatury ve věcech vyúčtování služeb advokátem. /Overview of case law on the billing of legal services/ 1st edition Praha: Aspi, a. s., 2006, pp. 231
The publication „Přehled judikatury ve věcech vyúčtování služeb advokátem“ is a practical guide to items charged by an attorney relating to both civil and criminal matters. The work contains a brief and concise interpretation, with an emphasis on practical applications and an overview of relevant judicial decisions.
Hulva, Tomáš: Ochrana majetku. /Property protection/ 1st edition Praha: LINDE Praha, a. s., 2008, pp. 376
The handbook „Ochrana majetku“ is a publication which comprehensively summarizes civil law, as well as the public protection of property values. However, the emphasis is on private law, particularly civil law. The work contains not only substantive rights, but also an interpretation of the way they are used, of their practical application. Numerous samples of unilateral legal actions, contracts and submissions form an integral part of the work.
Hulva, Tomáš: Vady právních úkonů v soukromoprávních vztazích a jejich důsledky. /Defects and consequences of legal acts in private relations/ 1st edition Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s., 2011, pp. 264
The monograph „Vady právních úkonů v soukromoprávních vztazích a jejich důsledky“ theoretically and practically approaches – in the light of current case law and legal practice – problematic elements of legal actions as well as their defects and consequences. It is the defects of legal actions which in many cases determine the result of a judicial proceeding. Nevertheless, this topic is highly abstract and dependent on judicial discretion. It is therefore absolutely necessary to deal with the subject in a practical way, which the publication in question does.
Journal articles:
- Hulva, Tomáš: Interpretation des Rechts in Theorie und Praxis und rechtliche Argumentation in der Tschechischen Republik. Europäisches Institut für postgraduale Bildung an der Technischen Universität Dresden e. V., 2010, roč. 20. no. 5.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Ochrana spotřebitele v komunitárním evropském právu. /Consumer protection in European Community law/ Bulletin advokacie /Bar Bulletin/ 7-8/2004, Praha: Czech Bar Association, 2004.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Ochrana spotřebitele při prodeji zboží v obchodě. /Consumer protection in the sale of goods in a shop/ Bulletin advokacie 1/2005, Praha: Czech Bar Association, 2005.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Legal regulation of an insurance contract pursuant to Act no. 37/2004 Sb. (Coll.), Insurance Contracts Act. General Provisions. Právní rozhledy 6/2005, Praha: C. H. Beck, 2005.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Legal regulation of an insurance contract pursuant to Act no. 37/2004 Sb. (Coll.), Insurance Contracts Act. Special Provisions. Part 1 Právní rozhledy 16/2005, Praha: C. H. Beck, 2005.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Legal regulation of an insurance contract pursuant to Act no. 37/2004 Sb. (Coll.), Insurance Contracts Act. Special Provisions. Part 2 Právní rozhledy 17/2005, Praha: C. H. Beck, 2005.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Charging for services by an attorney. Právní fórum 9/2005, Praha: ASPI, a.s., 2005.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Nová úprava úroků z prodlení a potírání prodlení v obchodních transakcích. /New regulation of interest on late payments and fighting delays in business transactions/ Bulletin advokacie 1/2006, Praha: Czech Bar Association, 2006.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Sazby úroků z prodlení v posledních 10 letech. /Rates of interest on late payments in the last 10 years/ Bulletin advokacie 3/2006, Praha: Czech Bar Association, 2006.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Koncepce nového občanského zákoníku a pojetí právnických osob. /An approach to the new Civil Code and an interpretation of legal entities/ Proceedings of the Civil Law Department of the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno. Brno: Prf MU in Brno, 2005.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Odstoupení od smlouvy dle navrhovaného občanského zákoníku. /Withdrawal from a contract pursuant to the proposed Civil Code/ Proceedings of the Civil Law Department of the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno. Brno: Prf MU in Brno, 2006.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Význam zavinění v souvislosti s civilními a veřejnoprávními delikty. /Importance of fault in connection with civil and public offenses/ Bulletin advokacie 6/2007, Praha: Czech Bar Association, 2007.
- Hulva, Tomáš: Interpretace práva a právní argumentace v právní praxi. /Interpretation of the law and legal argumentation in legal practice/ Bulletin Slovenskej advokácie 4/2009, Bratislava: Slovak Bar Association, 2009.
Significant projects in the area of science and research:
- Preparation and implementation of the “Kalkulačky ASPI /calculators/“ project in accordance with Czech and Slovak legislation. Kalkulačky ASPI has been an integral part of ASPI software since 2006.
- Preparation and implementation of the project “Modular system of study programmes at universities in the Moravian-Silesian Region”. Guarantee and implementation of the module “Protection of personal rights and property”. The project “Modular system of study programmes at universities in the Moravian-Silesian Region” is a joint project of the Silesian University in Opava, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, and the University of Ostrava.
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